each faction has also recived some new character faces and radio protocols. The Livonian Defence Force (LDF) and the Russian Spetsnaz.

Two new factions have been added to the game.

I’m definetly more interested in the Mini UVG and I can’t wait to see how it sees utilization in combat. In all seriousness though, the tractor is actually a returning vehicle from Arma 2 which was released on the 17th June, 2009. Well to be honest its just a tractor… but i mean, it’s still cool I guess. Let’s all shift our focus to the tractor ( and oh boy is this tractor packing a serious arsenal of weaponry!). For military use, the ED-1D variant comes prepared with a mounted disruptor shotgun ideal for demining operations and close encounters.” The Science variant, the ED-1E*, is essentially a driving laboratory with sensors, a sampling laser, and a biopsy probe. Wielding its multi-joint swivel arm, the UGV’s two primary uses are CBRN Defense and Explosive Ordnance Disposal. Here’s the official description : “This small tracked electric robot is built to traverse complex terrain, and can transmit a live camera feed so that its operator can remotely assess the situation. It is just a fun little project for the evening without any stress or pressure.Two brand new vehicles have been added along with the expansi0n! One hightech mini UVG and a rusty, old, beaten down tractor! the mini uvg is actually kind of awesome. This is entirely unrelated to Global Mobilization. for the second set of Alien Language sounds 3diggerart: Mutant Hunter Hybdrid (), Thanks to B.A.D for donating this! Will Morillas: 3D models of Alien Characters

Watch out for the Brute and Commander, as they are heavily armored. I've purchased three alien character models from Turbosquid and made them usable within Arma 3. But in case it does not, this quick addon will give you some solid quality aliens. Many speculated that it will include aliens. Created on 23rd May 2019 during the waiting period for the new Arma 3 Expansion.