
Where to get stance mods
Where to get stance mods

Killing shots regenerate some of your health When shots damage enemies, they add a small amount of shield to your character Killing shots increase weapon leech by 20% for 20 seconds Shots ricochet to another enemy within a five metre radius of the initial target Shots on enemies afflicted by a status condition inflict that status to the nearest enemy Reloading restores health for each enemy killed since your last reload without changing your weapon Killing shots replenish health to allies within a five metre radius of the target

where to get stance mods

Shots pass through enemies whose health is below 50%, ricocheting to three enemies within a five metre radius, inflicting Burn Shots create a fusion blast, dealing 414 damage within a five metre radius Successful shots inflict Freeze on enemies. The first shot after every reload hits with Armor Piercing increased by 30%

where to get stance mods

Shots create an explosion that deals damage to enemies within a six metre radius. Increases the chance of inflicting a critical shot by 15% There is a 20% chance that a critical shot won’t consume ammo Reloading weapons creates a shockwave that deals damage to enemies inside a five metre radius

where to get stance mods

Successful shots inflict Burn on enemies. Successful shots inflict Bleed on enemies. Critical shots spawn an Anomaly energy blast that deals damage in 1.5 metre radius

Where to get stance mods